Wednesday 28 February 2018

Error: "Your current security settings do not allow this file to be downloaded" in VPS

This error comes when downloading files is prevented in Internet explorer setting.

It can be changed and you can download files using steps given in support sites. 

In some machines the setting "Custom Level" would be grayed out or disabled. This issue was faced by me for a VPS (Virtual Private Server). This setting was disabled because group policy and the VPS providers were unable to help me. So I had to go with an alternative method (simple!) which may be helpful for you too and save a lot of TIME!.

Aim: Download a setup file from internet and install that in VPS

Problem: Getting error "Your current security settings do not allow this file to be downloaded". Also Custom Level setting was disabled.

1) Access the VPS by RDP (Remote Desktop Protocol using Remote Desktop Connection Application)
2) Copy an alternate browser setup file (I used google chrome) through RDP to VPS and install it.
3) Use the newly installed browser to download.
4) Done. Now enjoyyyy... :)

Simple isn't it. But this problem wasted a lot of setup time in waiting for the support team to solve the issue.

Monday 28 December 2015

Student project - Model of Kutcha House

Make Model of Kutcha House

What is Kutcha House

Kutcha houses are made up of wood, mud, straw and dry leaves. A hut is a kutcha house. These are seen in villages.
Houses made with high quality materials throughout, including the floor, roof, and exterior walls, are called pucca houses. These are seen in cities.

Items Required:

  1. Small/ medium size box to make hut
  2. Yellow chart paper to cover ground and hut
  3. Straw, or Stem of dried long grass to make roof and door
  4. Broom stick to make window
  5. Thick carton box paper to make window, ground structure and roof structure



  • Color the yellow chart paper with brown oil pastel to get the color of soil/ mud. 
  • Cover the carton box paper with this chart paper to make the ground.

Body of hut

  • Color the yellow chart paper with brown oil paste to get the color of walls. 
  • Window - Cut a portion of the chart paper in rectangular shape of a window. Cut the broom sticks and stick on the inner portion to make window.
  • Take the small/ medium size box. Cover it with the chart paper with window on one side of the box.
  • Door - Take a rectangle shaped carton box paper. Stick the pieces of straw on it as in picture. Paste the door on the hut.


  • Make the roof structure with carton box paper. 
  • Arrange the straw pieces on it and fix it using glue or tapes. 
  • Fix the roof structure on the body of hut.

Sunday 27 December 2015

Student IT/ computer project - Make model of computer monitor

Make model of computer monitor

Items Required:

1) VCD case of black color
2) Black color stand. Use two small boxes or any other structure can be used.
3) Blue color chart paper
4) Glue, color pencils, tapes


  • Fix the CD cover on the stand.
  • Draw the monitor display on the chart paper. Draw desktop icons, Task bar, system tray, Clock display and any simple image on the screen.
  • Paste the display paper on the display area.
  • Monitor is ready

Student Project - Model of water cycle

Make Model of Water Cycle

Items Required:

1) One paper box - preferably box of ready-made shirts.
2) Dark brown clay to make hill and soil.
3) Blue chart paper to make sky and water,
    Green to make green land, paddy field and trees
    Yellow to make Land and hut
4) Thick paper and orange clay to make sun
5) Thick paper /Chart paper to make tree structure
4) One small box to make hut
5) Glitter sheet/ paper to make waterfalls
6) Cotton to make clouds
7) Other common items like glue, color pen, color, tapes etc.


1) Make the box structure

  • Color the blue chart paper with light blue color of sky. Use it to wrap the inner portion of upper part of the box.
  • Color the green chart paper with light green color of grass. Use it to wrap the inner portion of the lower part of the box. 
  • Fix the box parts as seen in the picture.

2) Sky

  • Draw the structure of sun. Paste it on a thick paper. Cut and color. Make a ball of orange color clay and paste it on the sun. Paste the Sun on the sky area as in picture.
  • Use cotton balls to make the cloud and paste it.
  • Draw the rain drops below one cloud.

3)Land area

  • Make hill using clay or brown paper. Use glitter paper to show water falls.
  • Make tree structures. Paste it on broom sticks with tape and arrange them on hill.
  • Color blue chart paper with blue color of water and arrange the chart paper as in picture.
  • Make pond and river with blue painted chart paper and clay.
  • Arrange paddy fields with green chart paper and clay.
  • Color yellow chart with brown crayons/ oil pastel to make ground color. Arrange the hut on the land color paper. 
  • Make small hut with a small box and chart paper as in picture.

4) Label the water cycle


Friday 11 December 2015

Trees are gift of nature, उपकारी पेड़ - Essay in hindi for primary classes, Kids

उपकारी पेड़

पेड़ हमारे सच्चे मित्र होते है.
यह प्रकृति का बहुत बड़ा उपहार हैं
पेड़ हमें भोजन, फल - सब्जियां, तेल, मसाले और दवाइयां देती है
ये हमें जीने केलिए ऑक्सीजन देते हैं
पेड़ हमें चाय देती है
पेड़ की लकड़ियां इंधन के रूप में तथा फर्नीचर के काम आता है

Save water - Essay or speech for LKG, UKG, Primary Classes, Kids

No Water No Life

Water is one of the most precious gifts of nature. All living things on earth need water to survive.

We need water for our daily chores like drinking, washing and cooking. We should be careful enough not to waste water. We promise to preserve every single drop of water.

"Save water for a safe future".

Thank you.

Friday 27 November 2015

My Favorite Toy - Essay, speech for Primary Class Kids

My Favorite Toy

My Favorite toy is a teddy bear. It's name is Ted. My father gave it to me on my last birthday.
It is white and brown in color. It is operated by battery. It can sit, walk and sleep.
I like to play with my Ted. I love my little Ted very much.
Thank you.