Tuesday 5 November 2013

Working with GridView in ASP.Net


(1) Gridview footer is not visible

Set following property of Gridview in aspx page or from code.

Session in ASP.Net

Difference on Session.Clear() and Session.Abandon()

      Use Session.Clear() to clear all the keys in the session. User session is still valid. Also, this will not invoke Session_End eventhandler in Global.asax.
Session.Abandon() remove the session altogether and it will execute Session_End eventhandler.

Working with ASP.Net DataList

  1. TextBox text changed event (OnTextChanged) handling in Datalist

protected void txtField_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Get the text box.
            TextBox txtAmount = sender as TextBox;
            // Get the DataList item.
            DataListItem DLItem = txtAmount.NamingContainer as DataListItem;
            // Get a field from DataList item/ row.
            HiddenField hfSampleID = DLItem.FindControl("hfSampleID ") as HiddenField;